The Focus Editorial Board Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
Indecision 2016. Election Day Eve is finally here. It has been a long, divisive campaign of historical significance, and the stakes are high. Many people feel unrepresented due to record unfavorability ratings for both of the leading party candidates. This has allowed for third party candidates to make a reemergence into the discussion for the presidential election. Of greater consequence though is the wide variety of scandals and public failures that have rocked each campaign. Trump’s Access Hollywood video, Clinton’s emails, Stein’s 9/11 reinvestigation, and Johnson’s Aleppo moment are among the most famous.
As many of us are not yet eligible to vote, it is still important for students to have a say in the political discussion. Consequently, the editors of the Focus decided to compile their opinions into an endorsement of a presidential candidate.This endorsement is that of the editors alone and does not necessarily reflect the position of the school. For any of the seniors, teachers, administrators, or parents reading this, we all would request one thing- go out and vote. Every vote counts. You can decide the future of America in this divisive election. Choose wisely.
Each Focus Editor was asked three questions:
1, Which candidate would you vote for and why?
2. What issues are most important to you?
3. What would be your ideal ticket?
Jessica Li, Layout Editor
1. I support Hillary because she is not Trump. She has morals. Although both her and Trump are corrupt, Hillary is less inundated with scandals and has experience in the government. On the other hand, Trump is sexist, racist, and all the other negative -ists out there.
2. Worldly issues are important to me. Although I recognize the many problems within our society, like the wage gap and systemic racism, I believe that we should pour all of our focus into areas with war, poverty, starvation, and disease first. Then, we can deal with the social issues within our country. It’s important to prioritize the health of people.
3. If i could write up a ticket, I’d probably bring back one of the Roosevelts cause they owned their job like it was none of their business.
Daniel Gordon, Campus Life Editor
1. I have liked Hillary Clinton as a politician for years, from the time she ran for the nominee in 2008. Since I neither identify as a Democrat or Republican, but rather a political centrist, I tried to stay undecided for as long as possible. However, early into the primary process I formalized my support of Clinton as my presidential pick. Her representation of New York in the senate along with her impressive foreign policy acumen drove me to choose her as a presidential candidate. For me the rest of the candidates negative attributes are of greater concern. Trump has been accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women and has repeatedly proven his inability to remain courteous through the debates and his inflammatory twitter posts. Johnson has shown a lack of foreign policy knowledge through his incompetence to answer simple questions regarding Aleppo and other world leaders. Jill Stein, on the other hand, proposes to use “magic tricks” to remove student debt and believes that a 9/11 reinvestigation is necessary. While people may try to accuse Clinton of nefarious actions with the charity that her family runs, it pales in comparison to the negligent or incomprehensible actions of the other candidates.
2. The most important issues to me are foreign policy and social issues. I can see Hillary Clinton working collaboratively with international leaders and the United Nations to try to achieve world peace.
3. My personal favorite ticket would be Hillary Clinton for President and Joe Biden for VP. Maybe in a few years there could also be a Michelle Obama/Samantha Powers ticket.
Jackson Mingle, Opinion Editor
1. I support Hillary because she has spent her life fighting for women’s rights and family rights. She is by far the most qualified candidate, possibly ever. She has made her plans, policies, and platforms accessible, and she has made it clear that she will work with both political parties if elected. My personal values and beliefs align with hers anyway, so I’m glad to say that I’m with her.
2. I care most about LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, and climate change.
3. My dream ticket would be Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, but, reasonably, it’s Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren. Tim Kaine is still cool though.
Laragh Cronin, Entertainment Editor
1. I support Hillary Clinton not only because of her life-long experience in politics, but also because she has always been a role model of mine. Hillary has advocated for women, children and their families her entire life. Her policies and ideas would bring the progress, equality and peace that this country needs… let’s make history!!!
2. Women’s rights, gun control, health care and taxes are all issues that have great importance to me (among several others).
3. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden
Jessica Moss, News Editor
1. Hillary Clinton. She is a democrat but has moderate policies. She has experience as a secretary of state, is pro-abortion rights, is for raising the minimum wage, and is well-versed in foreign policy issues. She has the right demeanor to lead a nation.
2. Most important issues are war on terror, nuclear deal with iran, police/black relations, climate change, and planned parenthood funding.
3. Hillary as president, replace the awkward Kaine with Bernie
Annie Helmes, Arts and Fashion Editor
1. I support Hillary because it is time for a woman to become president and she connects directly with the people, I also support her due to the fact that Trump is completely unfit to be even considered as president.
2. The issues most important to me are women’s rights and education.
3. Obviously Kate Sandlund and Jack Buckley for president and vice president!
Chad Petschek, Sports Editor
1. Hillary is the most down-to-earth candidate. She has the best demeanor of all the candidates and I though i don’t agree with all of her policies, she is the most presidential. She also shares many of the same social political views that I do (gender equality, right to choose, etc).
2. The topics that are most important to me is immigration and I think that experience in office can only expand the knowledge of a candidate on policy.
3. Mark Cuban and Allen West
Alyssa Loffredo, Editor in Chief
1. Hillary Clinton. Not only has Clinton had nearly thirty years of experience of political experience, but she is ready to move our country forward. She firmly stands behind all citizens of our country, fighting to protect the rights of citizenship, and same-sex marriage, and fighting to end racial and gender discrimination. Hillary Clinton gets it: whether that be what it takes to be president, or what the future of our country needs to be. Not to mention it’s about time a woman took charge of the Oval Office.
2. The economy is a very important issue to me as I head into college and am faced with the burden of student loans, but beyond that I believe climate change is one of gravest issues facing our country and our world. Climate change is an issue that needs much more attention than it’s currently receiving.
3. President: Michelle Obama. Vice President: Michael Bloomberg
The JJHS Focus Editorial Board unanimously endorses Hillary Clinton (8-0-0-0). We will update you on our projections as the election progresses.
Jessica Li • Nov 15, 2016 at 8:40 pm
What a great article!!! Good job Dan
Daniel Gordon • Nov 26, 2016 at 5:10 pm