Advancing John Jay’s Sustainability Mission By Implementing 10 Simple Practices

Advancing John Jay’s Sustainability Mission By Implementing 10 Simple Practices

While John Jay High School has a Sustainability Club and the Katonah-Lewisboro Board of Education appointed a Sustainability Committee, the JJHS community needs to recommit itself to environmental awareness and responsibility. We have an obligation to challenge John Jay students and faculty to continue to reduce waste and pollution through conservation, recycling, and other sustainable practices. Included below are 10 straightforward and easy-to-implement solutions that JJHS can undertake now to promote a sustainable and eco-friendly school environment and eco-conscious student body.

1.   Ban the sale of plastic water bottles in the cafeteria – promote the use of reusable water bottles (the school previously installed water bottle filling stations)

2.   Remove plastic utensils from the cafeteria – replace them with reusable and washable metal options

3.   Offer Juniors a guaranteed parking pass if they carpool with other students and limit vehicle emissions output

4.   Use only energy-efficient compact fluorescent (CFLs) or LED bulbs in the school to save energy and money

5.  Use natural light to light hallways and classrooms – minimize usage of lights on sunny days

6.  Increase our emphasis on composting and partner with local sustainable farms to accept JJHS cafeteria compost

7.  Coordinate clothing and shoe donations to limit the amount of reusable items that end up in landfills

8.  Encourage teachers to reduce paper usage in the classroom by implementing paperless alternatives

9.    Cease the individual packaging of food in cafeteria  (ex. grilled cheese or cheeseburgers)

10.  Recycle all paper and plastic products – most still end up in JJHS trash cans