The Best and Worst of the John Jay High School Cafeteria

The Best and Worst of the John Jay High School Cafeteria

There is a lot to be said about the John Jay High School cafeteria. Some love the food offered, while others don’t exactly care for it. I decided it would be interesting to ask a few of my peers about their favorite, and least favorite foods sold in the cafeteria.

Here were the results of my poll:

Worst foods: chicken tenders, tater tots, the hot lunch bar as a whole

Best foods: mashed potatoes, the sandwich bar, tortellini, chocolate chip cookies

Overall, the cookies and sandwich bar won for the best foods found in the cafeteria. I decided to further my research and take a poll of people’s favorite sandwiches that they like to create and order.

These were a few of the sandwich combinations:  chicken cutlet, mozzarella cheese, bacon, ranch, and barbecue sauce on a ciabatta roll, turkey, American cheese, bacon, lettuce, and hot sauce on a wrap, and the classic BLT (bacon lettuce, tomato). While conducting research, I was informed that many of the past fan favorites of the cafeteria are no longer available as the school is trying to create a healthier space. It seems that some options of bread at the sandwich bar were taken away as well as the cookie recipe being changed in order to produce healthier cookies. Students were not pleased with these new revisions, but they didn’t seem to impact their opinions of the school cafeteria too negatively. I came to the conclusion that the student body as a whole enjoy’s most of the food offered in the cafeteria. I found it clear that some things are definitely better than others, so my advice to anyone at school would be to make sure you are careful when selecting your meals in order to assure you get the best, and avoid picking the worst food in the cafeteria.