A Message To: The Juniors In High School

A Message To: The Juniors In High School

You’re halfway done with high school. You survived the first two quarters of a hell year, junior year. This is the year that the talk about college begins. Taking standardized tests one after another, it’s hard to maintain your grades and social life. Although there are ups to junior year, such as getting your license and going to prom, the downs seem to override them. It’s hard to live by the meaning of an unforgettable high school experience when there is loads of stress being put on you from both your teachers and parents. So, here is my advice to you…

One: Put your health first. This is especially important for teens in high school as many can’t forget that grades aren’t the only thing that matter. Spending an hour or two at the gym will not put your grades at risk. By exercising, you will boost your energy, preparing you for a long night of work. In fact, exercising is one of the most important parts of keeping your body healthy.

Two: Get some sleep. Between homework, after school activities and hanging out with friends, it can be hard to get enough sleep especially during the school week. Ideally, teens should be getting nine hours of sleep per night. To maximize chances of sleeping peacefully, cut back on the electronics. It has been shown that phones are taking over our studies. We care more about what everyone else is doing than what the textbook has to say. Putting all electronics away while doing work will help you get done faster leading to an earlier bedtime.

Three: Take time off for yourself. Every once in a while it is O.K. to do the things you like to do. It gives you a break from everyone around you. It lets you calm down. Meditating is the best stress reliever. Furthermore, at John Jay there are many extracurricular activities that you can choose from, giving you the opportunity to participate in a field of your interest. This gives you the chance to enjoy yourself after a long stressful day at school while also showing colleges what really intrigues you.

Taking into consideration these essential tips for decreasing the amount of stress you’re dealing with will positively impact both your grades and health. Going to sleep feeling good about yourself and knowing your grades are up to standard calls for a peaceful night.