Why Every High School Student Should Play a Sport



Over 50% of high school students play a school organized sport[1], although ideally that number would be much closer to 100%. Playing a high school sport can be extremely beneficial to a student. Along with being enjoyable, the average high school athlete is healthier, both mentally and physically, than the average non-athlete.  Also, participating in a sport can help a high school student stay out of trouble and succeed in school.

For many students, during a long school day, a sports activity after school can be something that they can look forward to.  Junior wrestler Joel Faynshmidt said, “I look forward to practice every day because it is always one of my favorite parts of my day.”  This simple joy is immeasurably valuable for high school kids.

Participating in a sport leads to better health mentally and physically.  Athletes enjoy a higher level of cardiovascular fitness, as well as healthier eating habits in comparison to non-athletes[1].  This can be attributed to the positive influences of coaches and teammates on the athlete.  Participating in a team sport can also lead to decreased anxiety and depression, as well as an increase in self esteem, motivation, and overall psychological well-being for the athlete[2].  This can be caused by a number of different things such as the development of new relationships with teammates, having positive goals, and having another platform for success.

Participating in a high school sport can also increase a student’s success in school and keep them out of trouble outside of school.  High school athletes have a lower rate of tobacco, drug, and alcohol usage than non-athletes[3]. This can be directly attributed to sports being  more productive than other after-school activities. Also, usage of alcohol and drugs can lead to a decrease in athletic performance, invoking athletes to refrain from such activities.  High school athletes have a higher graduation rate than non-athletes as well[4].  This is likely due to the association of something positive, sports, to school.

Overall, participation on a sports team benefits a high school students in innumerable ways.  Every high school student should at least try a sport, and chances are they will want to continue with it.

[1] Child Trends Research

[2] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

[3] Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

[4] Washington Post