Course Review Uncensored: AP US History

Teacher: Mr. McAlley
Period: 2
Grade: 11
As a sophomore going into my junior year, I struggled with what classes to take. My goal was to find a balance between challenging classes and a workload that was manageable. This task seemed completely impossible. Although history is not my strongest subject, people recommended taking APUSH as one of my AP’s. I have made it through about half of the curriculum and I can say wholeheartedly that the class is not easy. Given that it is an AP, it has a large workload. However, the workload is maintainable. There are minimal exams since most of the work given goes towards project-based assessments.
Mr. McAlley conducts simulations, debates, mock trials and many other interactive learning exercises that spice up the content. At the end of each quarter, there is one exam that culminates from all of the information you have learned throughout the quarter. These exams are manageable as long as you have been following along and taking in the content through the simulations.
All graded assignments are handed in through so that Mr. McAlley can keep the plagiarism to a minimum. I highly recommended participating in class discussions to show that you are interested and engaged in the class. Class participation is a part of your quarter grade so that is an easy way to boost your grade each quarter.
Some past students have said that Mr. McAlley gives more work than Mr. Rosenzweig, the other AP US history teacher, but this isn’t always true. I have come to find that both teachers have been on the same schedule with projects and exams. If you do decide to take this class, don’t be discouraged if you don’t get the teacher you want, I can assure you that both are going to prepare you for the AP in May.
Lastly, it is important to note that this class is not a lecture-based course. Many students coming from AP Euro have experienced Mo-T’s style of teaching which is usually fast paced note taking over power points. This course is quite the opposite. The class requires you to dig up evidence from databases and draw conclusions about controversial issues. Many times students lose points for their written work because Mr. McAlley wants to see more analyzation. Analyzation helps him see that you’re thinking and forming your own assertions and not just spitting out facts to him. For those of you that prefer a lecture-based class, don’t write this class off just yet, you might actually end up liking the active learning style.
So, to all incoming Juniors, I highly recommend APUSH if you are looking for a class that has a tolerable workload as well as a challenging class curriculum.