Humans of John Jay: Hailey Ivey


Hailey Ivey

What is your greatest struggle right now?

“So right now it’s really hard for me to focus on all my school work and trying to get through junior year, but I’ve been feeling really disconnected from a lot of my friends and my family. And I just haven’t felt like myself in a while and school is starting to pile up on me. And I really have had an urge to wander for a bit and take a break from all of it, but I know that I can’t, especially since this is such a hard year for everyone. And everyone has their dream schools and I have to work a lot harder than I’m used to. I feel like I’m trying my best but it’s never what I want it to be, so I’m just trying to focus on things that make me happy but I can’t do that all the time. And that is my greatest struggle. ” – Hailey Ivey, Grade 11